Niki's Research

Niki's Research


Response 3/16


This project has taught me so much about technology, groupwork, scheduling, and organization. There is no way I could have gotten this far without the support and constructive criticism of my group members. Though it is true that we have had some tough decisions and choices to make, I feel we have done a good job deciding what is best for the team. Making the storyboard went well and it really helped the information to come together. That was the point in the project where we all started to gain hope. Ever since things have been pretty smooth. It is great to see the progress we have made increase daily.


The iMove on the other hand got off to a ruff start. It was a difficult task to plan around busy schedules, including conflicts with Lit.Circe groups. Now that dates are settled I think it will all turn out even better than we expected.


I was very excited after finding out that I would get to learn how to use iMove, Power Point, and Wikipedia; all of which were new to me. So far I am amazed with all I have learned and can't wait to discover more.


With the reasearch I have done there seems to be a ton of gods/goddesses. Here is a list of the top ten Yoruban gods/godesses and their role

  1. Shango - Thunder
  2. Olorun - Sky, peace, justice
  3. Bumba - Creator
  4. Obatala - Sky
  5. Eshu - Trickster
  6. Orishas - Guardian
  7. Yemaya - Water, child birth
  8. Anansi - Trickster
  9. Elegua - Trickster
  10. Olokun - Sea


Note:I replaced two gods from the regular top ten list with other important YORUBAN gods.


Picture from:



First Five Gods:





• God of thunder

• Fourth king of Yoruba

• Three wives: Oya, Oba, and Oschun

• Colors: Red and White

• Special Number: six

• Likes to party and feast






• Top God

• God of the sky, peace and justice

• Creator of the Earth and humans

• Father of two: Odudua and Obatala

• Color: White






• God of vomit and creator

• Had an atrocious stomach ache for centuries

• Threw up the world and creatures on it

• Departed to heaven

• Father of three sons: Nyonye-Ngana, Chonganda and Chedi-Bumba






• Creator god of humans

• Loved wine

• Made humans when under the influence of alcohol

• Lesson: Nobody is perfect







• Trickster god of decisions and choices

• Offers advice to those in need

• Owns the roads of life

• Has a sense of humor